Friday, February 26, 2010


Swords of Fire is now available from RAGEMachine books. This is a collection of pulse-pounding Sword & Sorcery novellas by C. J. Burch, Jack Mackenzie, G. W. Thomas, and your humble blogger. Artwork is by the amazing MD Jackson. I've been reading the galleys, and this stuff is good if I do say so myself. While you are at it, treat yourself to a copy of GW Thomas's supernatural-mystery anthology No Ghosts Need Apply and his werewolf collection By the Light of the Full Moon. The four issues of Dark Worlds are still available too. You won't regret it.

-Dave Hardy

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Coming features

First off what's new:

"Demons of the Dark Sun" is online at Sorcerous Signals. It's by the multi-talented Mitch Allen. I say multi since there are two writers at work here. If you like Pre-Colombian America and Sword & sorcery this is up your alley. Coyotl the Chcihimec is a ttribal warrior who meets the Aztec empire. There are more of Coyotl's adventures waiting to be told.

Next what's ready to order:

El Borak and other Desert Adventures is available from Del Rey. If you don't know about this. El Borak is the nom de guerre of Francis Gordon, a Texas gunslinger who has migrated to the Wild East. Instead of outlaws and Apaches, the stories about Afghans, Central Asian bandits, psycopathic fascists, and Lost Cities in the Hindu Kush. It's not exactly Indiana Jones, these tales more like hard-boiled Westerns in the Near East.

Finally, what's on the horizon:

The Early Adventures of El Borak from the REH Foundation collects the early efforts of Howard to write El Borak Stories. This set of fragments and juvenalia is for collectors and REH scholars. Also collected are the early Sonora Kid fragments, ranging from domestic drama to Westerns.


-Dave Hardy

Friday, February 05, 2010


The original is no longer with us. In an effort to simplify, everything will be posted on the blog, and the domain forwards to the blog. It is much easier to manage content in this format. We will post the content from the old site as we have time.